Simplify your life with UniReceipt, the easy-to-use app that automatically organizes your receipts.
Master Your Expenses

UniReceipt: when inspiration meets innovation
Finances UniReceipt Inc. is a Montreal-based company driven by the desire to solve everyday problems with innovative solutions. Our team shares a vision of making a positive impact in the world, aiming to revolutionize the industry through passion, creativity, and dedication to excellence.
Upon working in customer service back in 2018 and realizing the amount of stress misplaced receipts generate in both customers and businesses, we realized there was a gap in the market UniRececeipt could potentially fill. Current options available to customers, either by paper, email or in store-based accounts, do not offer a centralized solution for receipt storage and leave clients wasting time sorting out through various platforms to find a receipt, and handing out personal information to businesses in the process.

UniReceipt facilitates communication between stores and their customers for easier transactions and a more efficient management of their finances.


Never lose a receipt again. UniReceipt automatically stocks and categorizes your receipts for easy access.
It allows customers to keep their proof of purchase at one click of a button and provides stores with a seamless way to track receipts and store them for up to 7 years for legal purposes.
Say goodbye to manual sorting. UniReceipt organizes your expenses, making it easier to track and manage your finances by type of purchase.
Simplify your expenses. UniReceipt provides a digital solution to help you stay organized and in control.
For stores, UniReceipt makes market analysis a breeze with automatic summaries of recent trends updated monthly.
Go Green
Make paper receipts a thing of the past and help make an impact by reducing the billions of receipts produced every year.
UniReceipt offers stores environmentally conscious and budget-friendly solutions to your business operations.

Feedback from potential customers
As a self-employed worker, UniReceipt will let me keep track of all my business expenses without the stress of my receipts being damaged or lost. No more having to sort them out and digitalize them myself! I am very excited about this project.
I spend so much time writing my expenses down in excel, UniReceipt will make the end-of-the-month report that much easier!
At Finances UniReceipt inc, we are dedicated to helping our customers take control of their finances. Our app provides a reliable and eco-friendly alternative to paper receipts and is beneficial both to stores and to buyers.
Contact Us
Need help? Looking to collaborate? Or simply have feedback on the project?
Contact our team for assistance - we want to hear from you!